Host the Prayer Tent for the Divine Mother

  • Blessing

    As a traveling entity, The Prayer Tent brings blessing to the land where She is welcomed and tended. Our experience has been that the Tent is a kind of acupuncture for places, activating renewed relationship with the Spirits of the Land, and with the Dreaming of the Place. In the process of discernment, we would connect with the Spirits of your Land and begin a conversation about whether and how to bring the Tent to the Land in a good way.

    The Tent may be hosted anywhere from 3 days to a month at a time.

  • Gathering

    The Prayer Tent is a container for dropping into the Self in a contemplative and reverent way. Each person who brings their prayers and intentions to the Tent amplify its medicine for themselves, for others, and for the Land and Beings holding us here. You may sense that the particular Medicine of the Tent, as a kind of Sanctuary for connection with the Divine Mother, would be especially welcome or needed in your community. This project is founded on principles of resonance in the heart, and if you are so moved, we invite you to contact us. Hosts in the past have found the Tent to be a profound support and companion in their lives, opening pathways of dreaming, connection with others, and healing not only for the visitors but also for themselves.

  • Deepening

    We open and close the Prayer Tent’s portal on your Land with great care. In addition to the ceremony necessary for this, we offer an optional artist talk and sound sanctuary journey for your community, and a longer experiential weekend workshop deepening our relationship with the Divine Mother and honoring Her expression in participants’ lives.

    Contact us to begin the conversation about what your vision for hosting the Prayer Tent may be and how this offering may be of service and inspiration to your community.


The Prayer Tent is 5 M or about 16 feet in diameter. The space created by the banners inside is an intimate inner sanctuary that is comfortable for 1-5 people at a time. The banners can be reconfigured for larger gatherings. Depending on weather conditions, we use heaters and warm rugs in the tent for the cold, and opening the Tent for air flow and using fans and site placement to maintain comfort in the warmer months.


The bell tent we use for the Prayer Tent is made by Stout Tent, a veteran-owned and operated company in the U.S. The Tent is made to withstand weather and we have seen this!

